Archive for October, 2008

zBar – Do you come here often?

October 13, 2008

Thats right, the zBar.

Everytime you send your customers to Zazzle, you want them to end up on a page that has a zBar. Now… Im not suggesting you take your valued customers out for a drink at your local dive bar, although not a bad idea, but the zBar is actually something completely different. In the past, I’ve posted about how the Volume Bonus benefits from your referrals and how you can build these referral links to earn 15% on all sales you refer.

Referrals are key to making additional income on top of the royalties you earn from selling your own products. A referral link is no good if it is not working and the zBar is a great way to make sure that referral link is working properly.

When you have a referral link that is properly built, the customer will see the smaller more slender zBar rather than the standard Zazzle header. The zBar persists all the way through the checkout process, ensuring your brand is consistently messaged to your customers.

Try it out for yourself. Go to your blog, website or where ever it is that you are promoting your Zazzle store and products. If you click on the referral links you have set up and you land on your store page or product page with the zBar (seen above) you know your referred sales are being tracked, this includes your browser, which will now have a cookie from your own store in it.

Now, in the event that you link isn’t set up right, you will see the standard bar you see below. This means that you are not earning the 15% and VB consideration for sales that you are sending to yourself. So you want to make sure and go back in and fix those links. To read more about how to create referral links, click here.

Keep in mind this this example only works when you are sending traffic to your own store using the referral ID for that store.

So there you have it. A sure fire way to see if you referral links are set up properly. Now that you are in the ‘know’ get out there and check all of your links to make sure you are making the most of your referrals!

How To Build Referral Links

October 9, 2008

Zazzle provides a lot of different tools for you to link to your products on your blog, website, emails, MySpace, Facebook, etc.  In order to receive 15% on all sales that you refer to Zazzle, you need to make sure that you have created the referral link properly. Last week I posted about Cookies and how they affect your Volume Bonus. These cookies are activated when someone clicks on the referral link that you have provided. That cookie will then track all the sales the shopper purchases. Not only will you receive a 15% referral on the sale, but that sale amount is also added to your Volume Bonus monthly sales total.

So now that you understand how the referral process works, you want to make sure you build these links properly. There is nothing worse than finding out that your links are not working and that all your referrals are not being tracked.

This post will explain the ways you can build links to track your referrals.

First and foremost, you want to make sure that you are always logged into your main Zazzle account/gallery. Some of the methods below require that you are logged in, in order for the links to be properly built.

Zazzle Product Link Builder

This feature is actually built into each product page. Make sure you are logged in, go to the page for the product you want to promote and then click on ‘Link To This’ link that is below the design block on the right half of any product page. This will pop up a window that says ‘Share This’ and you will see multiple options to promote the product. Simply copy & paste the code provided into your website, blog etc. You can also paste this code into an email to share with friends so they can post it in their blogs, websites, etc.

Zazzle Gallery Link Builder

The Zazzle product builder simply puts your referral ID into the link that you are building. This is a simple way to build referral links for individual galleries you are interested in promoting. You can promote your galleries or those contributor’s galleries. Simply enter the username of the gallery you want to promote and the Zazzle Gallery Link builder will apply your Referral ID into this link so it will track all your referrals. To build Gallery links go here.

Zazzle Star

This one is pretty cool but can only be applied in links that have the actual username in it. All you need to do is simply at an asterisk (*) to the end of your username, see below:

Good link*
This is an example of your store address link with the star.
Including the asterisk (*) after your username will help track your sales.

Good link*/gifts?cg=196586813808115110
Even when there are is additional code after the username in the address link,
you can still apply the (*) as you see above and it will work properly.

Bad Link
This is an example of your store address link without the star.
This link will still take the customer to your store, but since there is no asterisk (*),
your sales will not be tracked.


The store builder is for more advanced users that have some working knowledge on how to edit CSS & PHP. If you are in the know, all you are required to do is enter your desired Zazzle store name and the Store Builder will retrieve the Zazzle products for that store and populate your domain with these products. It will refresh these products as the store itself is being refreshed.
The most important part though, is that the store builder will incorporate your referral ID on all the products it generates. This allows you to earn referrals on the sales of your products as well as other shop keepers products you are currently showcasing using the Store Builder. You can read more about the store builder here & here. You can download the Store Builder here and you can download the installation manual here.

Here are a few examples of the store builder being used: Cup Cake Wear, Obama 99, T.O. Tees & Mydeas

Manually Build Referral Links – This is actually a very handy way to make referral links. All you have to do is simply add a small bit of code at the end of any Zazzle link and you will have a referral link. First you need to know what your Associates ID (a.k.a. Referral ID) is. To find out what your referral ID is, click here while logged in. (Or look below)

Once you have your referral ID, you will need to add that ID and an additional piece of code to the link you are building for referral. In the example below, I have added the referral ID to the link, but you will also notice that I added ?rf= to the beginning of the Referral ID.

You will always want to make sure to add that bit of code “?rf=“ to your Referral ID but there is ONE exception. Whenever there is already a “?” in the link that you are building the referral code into, you need to use the ”&” sign instead of the “?” sign.

Flash Panel

The Flash Panel is a great way to create a feed of products for your blog, website and more. You can promote your products or other shopkeepers products and you can merchandise anything from shoes to skateboards using this panel. All of the products that are featured in this panel will have your referral ID built into the links so that your referrals are tracked. You can also create Flash Panels for Myspace and Facebook specifically. Go here to create a Merch Booth for your Myspace page and go here to create a Merch Store for your Facebook page.

Blog Panel

The blog panel is a non flash panel that you can insert into your blog. Placing this blog panel on your blog, will allow your readers to see up to 3 of your Zazzle products at a time. When the reader clicks through, the referral cookie is activated and you will receive 15% on all sales that happen as a result.

So there you have it, now that you know how to build referral links, start driving that traffic to your store and capture all those referred sales to earn 15% and add to your month Volume Bonus!

Zazzle Bulk Image Uploader

October 3, 2008

Happy Friday everyone!

Although it’s the end of the week, we thought you might enjoy this tasty little nugget before the weekend.

Did you know that Zazzle has a tool that will allow you to upload images in bulk?  Say what!!?

Would you like to upload more than 5 images at a time?  Want to upload 100 images to a specific set in one of your stores?  No problem!  Just download and install the Zazzle Bulk Image uploader, select the images you want and upload away!

Keep in mind that this uploader is for PCs only.  Sorry mac users!

Here are the links to get you started:

To download the PC only Bulk Image uploader click here

To read more about install requirements and how to operate the uploader, click here.

Have a great weekend and happy uploading!

Leave a comment after the beep

October 2, 2008

Usually I’m used to getting a lot of emails, but lately I’ve been overloaded with inquiries and comments about our Seller Blog. At first I thought I was really connecting with the readers, but then I got a message from our Customer Service Team notifying me that they too have had a flood of comments and questions coming in about the Seller Blog. Apparently we had the comments turned off and our readers couldn’t leave comments. Doh!

Well I’ve turned comments on now so you can now leave us comments!


Cookies will Feed Your Volume Bonus

October 1, 2008

Today is the 1st of the month and some of you may have noticed that your Volume Bonus has reset and you are now working on a new Volume Bonus for the month of October.

The other day I was asked “What is the best way to grow your monthly Volume Bonus” and after thinking about it, the answer that I came up with was: ‘Cookies’. This answer may leave you as puzzled as the person that asked me the question, but don’t worry, I’ll break it down for you.

For every product that you sell on Zazzle, you can name your royalty for that product and if it sells, you will earn the royalty that you set.  Simple enough, right?  On top of that, if you actually referred the sale, using a specially built referral link, you can earn an additional 15% on any sale of any product.

If you use the proper links and the customer clicks through, the referral you made is tracked. Zazzle is able to track the customers that you refer because of the ‘cookie’ that is inserted into the browser of the customer. When they click on that referral link, the cookie is activated and will last for 45 days.

The 15% referral rate is awesome because you can earn referrals on not only your own products, but you can also earn 15% on ANY product on Zazzle. Doesn’t matter where the sale is made, in the marketplace or in the shop itself, a sale is a sale and if you referred it, you will get the referral credit for your hard work.

Referring sales can reward you in another way by helping ‘feed’ your monthly Volume Bonus. The more you feed the Volume Bonus, the bigger your bonus payout is at the end of the month. The more you sell in a given month, the more you will earn in addition to your royalties & referrals that you can make on a daily basis. This added bonus payment is your monthly Volume Bonus.

There are 3 ways you can ‘feed’ your Volume Bonus, to help it ‘grow’ so that at the end of the month you can earn your Volume Bonus.

So to further simplify the 3 methods above for earning a Volume Bonus, you just need to make sure that you are driving sales/traffic to your stores/products using the referral links that will give you credit for referring the sale. Doesn’t matter where the product was sold OR who owns the product, if you referred it, you will earn the Volume Bonus for those sales. The only other way you can earn a Volume bonus is when you get sales that are not a result of someone sending you the traffic.

The incentives that the Volume Bonus and the 15% referral offer should be your call to action to start promoting your stores if you have already started doing so. Its great when you make a sale and earn your royalty, but its even better when you earn your royalty, you earn the referral and that sale is added to your monthly volume bonus calculation.

So as the title suggests, Cookies don’t literally feed your Volume Bonus, but the sales that happen as a result of your referrals are tracked by these cookies. The more referral links you have out there, the more chances you have to earn referrals on sales, thus giving you more opportunities to add to your monthly Volume Bonus. Not only is it about having products in your store, it’s also about sending traffic to those products successfully. Of course having a ton of products will help increase your exposure, but having an army of referral links driving traffic to your stores is a key part of selling now.

There should never be a reason why you would give someone a link that leads back to Zazzle, without first making sure it has the proper referral code added to the link itself. There are several ways to ensure that the links you are putting out there have the proper referral code built into it, but I will have to post more about that later. For now, check out this page for more information on building referral links and start setting up those referral links so that you can start feeding your Volume Bonus.

So please, feed your Volume Bonus…  its hungry and it will thank you at the end of every month if you do so.